The AC Ladder Working Efficiently
(08 Feb 11, 08:31AM)ketar Wrote: I didn't say that the whole wiki section was wrong. I know the other posts you mention.

And now you are contradicting yourself. Call it nitpicking, if you want. But you have said some allegations regarding the article content which shows the opposite.

(08 Feb 11, 08:31AM)ketar Wrote: I was just saying that THAT particular article is somehow misleading, since the Tyd is not the AC official ladder...

Show me the part on that article in which someone claimed that it is the official ladder. You won't find something. So the only irritating thing is probably the name. But in the same way Drakas chose the designation "AssaultCube WorldCup" for that event or the majority of the mappers add "ac_" to their maps, this doesn't mean that this has become official now.

(08 Feb 11, 08:31AM)ketar Wrote: ...and this for many reasons: because it was not connected, and still isn't, with the game scoring system. Because it is property of a person/group which is/are not the devs, i.e. the official owners of the code.

Probably cause the game's scoring system was developed AFTER our ladder. Not to mention that this community reacting always extreme when you do changes which could affect the gameplay. So is it wise to use that scoring system especially as long it is more in an experimental state?

There is also two more reasons why it's "not connected" (same goes to the other ladders too). One is just a technical reason - the fact that all of this systems are using log analyzing to fill up the databases instead of analyzing stats directly, which requires several server modifications. The other thing is historical again: Round about two years ago several devs were more interested in participating in the ESL league which provides ladders too. As we all know, that idea is nearly down to the count today. But to that time it was understandable that the devs haven't no interest to make our ladder or part of it official.

(08 Feb 11, 08:31AM)ketar Wrote: Because in the past, for good or bad reasons, someone decided to close it in a (yes!) rude and disrespectful way (yes! at least against all the people like me who had nothing against him).
Sorry, that someone (or how I call him: Clown) took your toy away. But maybe you can project on his thoughts for a second: How deeply sore must a man feel when he shutdown a project in which he spend a lot of spare time to develop and maintain (unselfish and for free), and which made the game enjoyable. But if you still think this was rude, then I'm sure it won't take long and someone is writing the same about Drakas.

(08 Feb 11, 08:31AM)ketar Wrote: I think we should move from that and have a real officlal ladder. Something that uses the same scoring system of the game (we now have one and finally is a scoring system that rewards actions done for the team), keeps records of all the players, that allows clan players to change tag/clan and keep his score, that has gold book with records, and that runs on servers well organized , with active and trusted admins often presents ...If I was a dev interested in the success of my game I would consider that as a priority.

Yeah, instead of talking about or wishing that the devs are coding it, you can start a coding project by yourself. Or find someone who is able too. Everyone can do code contributions (maybe you or the guy who is doing it is becoming also a dev as award). If this becomes somedays stable and the official ladder, then it's easy to move the mentioned article, to add a few words and a hint box like "This article describes the ladder hosted by Tear you Down!. For the official AC ladder go here". Probably this will be then the point of time all remaining logbased ladders will be shutdown cause they become obsolete. Until then there is no need to change the article. So stop talking, start coding.

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Messages In This Thread
RE: The AC Ladder Working Efficiently - by Apollo{TyD} - 08 Feb 11, 10:20AM