The AC Ladder Working Efficiently
(06 Feb 11, 05:59PM)Apollo{TyD} Wrote: Well, I'm tired of this.

a) A lot of people are talking about TyD's ladder and still haven't any idea about the historical and technical background, the scoring or the contributing servers (there are also server in oceania available as already pointed out).

But hey - it's easier to talk without or less knowledge rather than doing a little bit research before (eg. reading this).

Well, I honestly wouldn't call the TyD ladder "AC ladder", meaning that it was/is somehow "official". That wiki article does not seem correct. We do remember Apollo the rude and disrespectful way your honored ladder was shut down.
So that wiki is only about Tyd Ladder ("Ve la suonate e ve la cantate" they say in italian... ). Otherwise it should mention the other ladders we had. I can count at least three of them: Hi-Skill, of course, Brahma's one and IAF ladder made by Lucas.

And yes, the first Tyd ladder I knew was working as a true meeting point for the community. The one Pwnage reestablished never succeeded, and was overtaken by HS, in spite of our fella good efforts and will.

Now, to be honest, Hi-Skill had many faults (and many strong points) But one thing is for sure: it worked as a central place for the community. And it had a popularity that could really present it as the AC ladder, for a while. I met Drakas the very first time when I posted on Tyd forum exactly when Clown closed his ladder and it wasn't exactly a "pleasure". But we worked on that and I am now shocked for the way this community couldn't find a way to keep him with us, or at least not to waste the heritage of his work. We should be grateful to him as to everybody who has been using energies, time and money to give others a better experience. Before Pandel's post I think I didn't see nothing here about Hi-Skill and the great lost all AC had.

Now we start to see the results of this behavior and, whatever you say, it's just so clear to my eyes that there has been a big change in the way people use and play AC.

But there are many many other things to say about this story. Things that go beyond the strict technicality of ladders and open to others interpretation/question/discussion

are we interested to think/discuss/elaborate them together?

I think again we should start from two words, both coming from ancient greek. One is agora. The other is anomie. Tough stuff. :)

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Messages In This Thread
RE: The AC Ladder Working Efficiently - by ketar - 07 Feb 11, 09:59PM