The AC Ladder Working Efficiently
I still don't really see the whole HI-SKILL > TyD/AC Ladder thing. I'm pretty adamant that HI-SKILL was at least two or three times larger (RK claimed it to be 4x, but I really doubt that) than the original AC Ladder back when it was running. But that's not because HI-SKILL is inherently a better ladder. It's just that more people played on it.

If you really want "competition" back to pubs and the ladder, you just need to play on it. There's nothing you can do, and no features to add to bring in players. Players don't play for signatures, or even a good rank. They play because other players are in it. Who joins an empty server? Hardly anyone.

Let's just pick one server and that'll be the one we'll all meet on automatically. How does {TyD}Champagne sound? I get awful pings on it because I live in Asia, but it's still not a bad thing to fill it up.
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RE: The AC Ladder Working Efficiently - by Syntax - 06 Feb 11, 10:37AM