The AC Ladder Working Efficiently
For those who keep saying: "I never know who is on, people are so wide spread, and so foruth"

Hop onto the ladder website, there is a page that shows which servers are active and who is on them.

I almost exclusively play on the ladder servers and I feel for assessment is wrong, they attract all types of players. There are days that there are mostly seasoned players on, and others that have noobs. That was not uncommon for the HI-Skill ladder, and at least with these servers they are kept balanced within reason. I quit the HI-Skill ladder, even though I had a good rank, because I felt many games were unbalanced with no admins to do the proper adjustments.

I'm sure those with 100+ hours on the ladder like myself will agree that these open critiques on the forum are rather useless. There are alternatives if you're unhappy with the ladder.
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RE: The AC Ladder Working Efficiently - by Woolly - 05 Feb 11, 12:56AM