Help with map
Do some footwork and put this pack on a diet! (translation: Take out the unnecessary media!)
I like the gate lighting, don't let anyone else tell you bad things about it. It rawks.
As Viper indicated, shorten the tunnels a bit (or even a lot).
Try not to use long stretches of the same texture. Break up the monotony!
I noticed two places that need more mundane attention:
First is an extra "pistol" ammo entity on top of another one. Delete one there.

Then there is a place where there are some stairs, but the last step is missing, making the player have to jump to get up the stairs:

I turned on my position indicator in the bottom-right of the screenshots to help locate the places more easily.

Good job and keep it up!
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Messages In This Thread
Help with map - by Ramius - 28 Jan 11, 08:12PM
RE: Help with map - by Viper - 29 Jan 11, 04:21AM
RE: Help with map - by Frogulis - 29 Jan 11, 04:26AM
RE: Help with map - by Ramius - 29 Jan 11, 05:28AM
RE: Help with map - by VenteX - 29 Jan 11, 05:48AM
RE: Help with map - by V-Man - 29 Jan 11, 09:01AM
RE: Help with map - by MykeGregory - 29 Jan 11, 02:41PM
RE: Help with map - by Ramius - 29 Jan 11, 03:32PM
RE: Help with map - by V-Man - 29 Jan 11, 05:09PM
RE: Help with map - by Viper - 29 Jan 11, 05:39PM
RE: Help with map - by Ramius - 29 Jan 11, 06:10PM