|TaS recruiting season!
Yes, you don't need to clean the dirt out of your glasses! |TaS is in need of new players and we will therefore be open for applications to our clan from 1st of february to the 28th.

|TaS_ expects a mid/over average skilled player with mature behavior. We can offer you a good clan community, good friends and good teachers/students skill-wise. We're a clan who would love your experiences. It's mentionable that we always publish our matches, wether they were lost or won. You know what say; The best way to succeed is to acknowledge your fail!

You can find our IRC channel here; IRC
Our webpage is to be found at this link

Let the hunting season begin!

Yours faithfully Killer@(Panacea ingame).
Thanks given by:

Messages In This Thread
|TaS recruiting season! - by Killer@ - 26 Jan 11, 09:32PM
RE: |TaS recruiting season! - by ph4ntom - 26 Jan 11, 10:10PM
RE: |TaS recruiting season! - by titiPT - 26 Jan 11, 11:04PM
RE: |TaS recruiting season! - by Huntsman - 27 Jan 11, 04:53AM
RE: |TaS recruiting season! - by Fate - 27 Jan 11, 07:38AM
RE: |TaS recruiting season! - by PERROS - 27 Jan 11, 07:58PM
RE: |TaS recruiting season! - by bballn45 - 28 Jan 11, 03:00AM
RE: |TaS recruiting season! - by DaRealRocky - 28 Jan 11, 05:07AM
RE: |TaS recruiting season! - by Bullpup - 29 Jan 11, 06:14AM
RE: |TaS recruiting season! - by Mai Mee Tur - 29 Jan 11, 07:35PM