(21 Jan 11, 03:57AM)Panda Wrote: You can use your VPS to host your site. But good for you.
Yes you are right, and i know this. I wanted to separate servers from the website. As i plan on using the website hosting for more than just the website. Everyone hates laggy servers, or servers that lag spike. For the amount of umm.. lets see projects i guess you could say i would be doing with the website hosting, if i put all those on the same vpserver, that i would have my AC servers, there would be lag.
Also website hosting cost differently than vpshosting. If i were to lets say have my website, servers on vps, and then one day i just wanted to have my website and no servers. Then i would be paying 2-3 times more on a website host, then if i just had the website with normal hosting. Also web hosting offers dif specs than vps, such as ram, burst ram, gig space, what computer its ran on etc, etc, and i have no need for that with the website, if i wanted more space for my website i would upgrade. Vps in my opinion are more for servers, and for things that need more space, power, and speed.
Thanks for knowing the difference, good for you. ;)