18 Jan 11, 09:05AM
Ok listen close smart ass. NUMBER 1 I am the only one that had that IP. I live alone. I have no cheats mods or hacks on this computer. Number 2. What three forum accounts? What in the hell are you talking about? I have one forum account. THIS ONE. NUMBER 3. This blacklisting appears to be a range ban from what I've read because other people have gotten blacklisted also. My friend also got blacklisted and he has no idea how to even think about hacking. Number 4 You say provide evidence to prove I'm right and that it was done in error. Yet you don't inform me on how to prove something I didn't do. So apparently you are all talk and provide no help whatsoever. So kindly get the hell off my thread. If you can't provide help and only supply judgement on someone who is innocent, then shut your pie hole. I don't need assault cube. I play many online games and *gasp* I don't cheat on any of them either. I made this thread because I like the game. I specifically like headshot city. I am pissed for being blacklisted when I am innocent. Finally, I even sent a message to the admin of NC servers and have yet to get a response. The first two numbers in my IP are 76.188 and the .188 was in the list of the range ban. I don't know if that makes it part of it or not. Either way, it makes no difference. I wish that I did hack. I've played in the game with you before eftertanke and you were a dickhead then and are being one now.