So... Ima back... but not
Please excuse my harsh language :X

The time has come for me to move on. While I was on my break in the Brahamas, a friend showed me about Sudden Attack. Awesome game with better graphics and better players. To me, it seems to be the next level up. But that wasent the clincher. What really forced me to move was when I came back and saw the forums, the one place where I thought I was helping people, taken over by n00bs and their n00b clans. Up until then, I had truly and thoroughly enjoyed this game very much (kudos to the Rabid Viper Productions team). However, it seems that it is on the way down and I don’t want to watch the game that I loved fail :/

I go by the name of JGAN. ~3 years ago, I discovered AC while googling around for a free Mac FPS. A total n00b, I spent much time fooling around with bots. When I finally decided to go online (v1.0.4), my first server was THE HUB if I remember correctly :) Back then, AC was tons of fun. The players were friendly, the clans were mutual. The point of the game was not to own many servers and be admin, but to conquer and pwn ;) Admin abuse was a distant thing, and players would not be calling you hackers or flaming you. Hell, the game was a true FPS. I played on a daily basis. Got a little better too :D I played so often, I was with millertime and CheatersRFags (I could n00bcannon them back then haha). I stuck with it, joined a few clans like |Psy| and {FsC} while watching all the others grow stronger.

Then came 1.1, and all the people who have ruined the game. Surprisingly, it was not the devs. In fact, they did an absolutely wonderful job on it. The map restrictions? Pretty good, though if devs actually played their own game, they would be able to see that they screwed a few things up :P The anti-hack implements? Fantastic. New voting system? Hilarious, but useful too ;D What really killed the game was all the unskilled players and there immature ideas. They took over the game, the forums, the servers. All the true players started to slack off, either becoming totally inactive or playing only when you requested them on the IRC. Has any of you actually taken time to go through the forums and seen what is being posted? If so, you will see that nobody has seemingly ever seen the search feature. For a lot of players, it seems if you can play T/OSOK with a 31/20 KD, you are supposedly pro. You can supposedly make a clan. You can supposedly spam up the forums, bitching about other clans (*cough* FOX and JB *cough*), asking 50,000,000 how to make a motherfucking server, refusing to read any goddamn information given to you. No. AC is an FPS. First Person Shooter. It is not about what position in your n00b-recruiting clan you were, or how many shitty, uncontrolled servers you had. It does not entitle you to make laggy maps with no care to the actual Cube interface or gameplay tactics. If things went my way, you and your clan would be banhammered to hell and back. People who don’t know how to read documents or search forums are obviously not qualified to run clans or servers. They most likely have never even heard of port forwarding or commandline arguments, and, I’m willing to bet farther that they will abuse admin and play nothing but either T/OSOK, ac_douze, or some other crap map with bigass open areas :@ I could own any of you losers in a 2v1, hands down. Maybe in a 3v1. Feel free to prove me wrong. Just play on the {TyD} servers and see how you feel. When did I see all of this? A long long time ago. I was just in denial (lol). However, the problem wasn't just with the n00b clans. It was with the true clans, the ones that had a real server, forum, and website (aka the ones that didn’t use They seemed to have magically disappeared off the face of AC. |BC|? Never saw any of them. o2|? Once in a blue moon. |KH|? Nonexistent. All of my true competition was lost :’( The only place to find real players seemed to be on the IRC. That #assaultcube seemed to be a safe haven :D if only they played online though... :( *sigh* Oh well haha.

Before I leave for AC for good, I would like to give some more contributions and thanks. I will no longer be on the forums very much at all (chances are that I will be completely banned by a mod). I probably will do my last round of spamming here soon ;D Anyways, I will probably stay somewhat active ingame (when I’m not playing SA). I will also be finishing my work on the Wiki (don’t ban me Flowtron!) and AC iOS port so check it out :) Feel free to PM or email me.

Thanks to...
Google for getting me interested in the game haha

AMadPotato for being my mapping buddy and the best player I ever knew

Gibstick and Brahma for being able to take all the shit I through at them (sorry)

The Devs, for being able to take all the shit me and other people threw at them and still make a great game that retains all the principals of a true FPS

The people who gave me warnings go and suck my 6”

DES| and {TyD} you guys are the last true clans. Active, with great servers and even better players :D

*rAgE* and {FsC} for being my virtual homies ;)

Ronald_Reagan for teaching me how spastic some people can be when it comes to drinking xD

Thanks all, hope to see you around!
P.S. Thanks for reading my rant. Feel free to trash me 8D
Thanks given by:

Messages In This Thread
So... Ima back... but not - by JGAN - 03 Jan 11, 09:09PM
RE: So... Ima back... but not - by cOGhost - 03 Jan 11, 09:22PM
RE: So... Ima back... but not - by pakit - 04 Jan 11, 12:50PM
RE: So... Ima back... but not - by SKB - 03 Jan 11, 11:28PM
RE: So... Ima back... but not - by Zarjio - 03 Jan 11, 11:48PM
RE: So... Ima back... but not - by samsattF - 04 Jan 11, 12:39AM
RE: So... Ima back... but not - by mogthor - 04 Jan 11, 01:09AM
RE: So... Ima back... but not - by JGAN - 04 Jan 11, 01:11AM
RE: So... Ima back... but not - by Billybob - 04 Jan 11, 01:20AM
RE: So... Ima back... but not - by Joe Smith - 05 Jan 11, 01:34AM
RE: So... Ima back... but not - by V-Man - 04 Jan 11, 05:05AM
RE: So... Ima back... but not - by Orynge - 04 Jan 11, 05:18AM
RE: So... Ima back... but not - by Apollo{TyD} - 04 Jan 11, 08:15AM
RE: So... Ima back... but not - by Vermi - 04 Jan 11, 09:50AM
RE: So... Ima back... but not - by JB|JustinBieber - 04 Jan 11, 10:00AM
RE: So... Ima back... but not - by V-Man - 04 Jan 11, 12:54PM
RE: So... Ima back... but not - by mogthor - 04 Jan 11, 02:12PM
RE: So... Ima back... but not - by JGAN - 04 Jan 11, 09:01PM
RE: So... Ima back... but not - by Gibstick - 04 Jan 11, 10:49PM
RE: So... Ima back... but not - by pufig - 04 Jan 11, 11:09PM
RE: So... Ima back... but not - by Gibstick - 04 Jan 11, 11:55PM
RE: So... Ima back... but not - by mogthor - 05 Jan 11, 12:01AM
RE: So... Ima back... but not - by JGAN - 05 Jan 11, 01:15AM
RE: So... Ima back... but not - by V-Man - 05 Jan 11, 03:25PM
RE: So... Ima back... but not - by IBiteBack - 06 Jan 11, 12:08AM
RE: So... Ima back... but not - by Fate - 06 Jan 11, 12:21AM
RE: So... Ima back... but not - by mogthor - 06 Jan 11, 01:10AM
RE: So... Ima back... but not - by *SMG*_3m - 07 Jan 11, 05:51PM
RE: So... Ima back... but not - by CyberKlown28 - 08 Jan 11, 12:07AM
RE: So... Ima back... but not - by JGAN - 10 Jan 11, 06:04PM
RE: So... Ima back... but not - by Darkbee - 10 Jan 11, 06:09PM
RE: So... Ima back... but not - by Morphine - 11 Jan 11, 11:25AM
RE: So... Ima back... but not - by Vermi - 11 Jan 11, 06:40PM
RE: So... Ima back... but not - by Undead - 11 Jan 11, 06:54PM
RE: So... Ima back... but not - by Philoski - 11 Jan 11, 07:20PM
RE: So... Ima back... but not - by V-Man - 12 Jan 11, 03:31PM