Accused of Speed Hacking All the time...
Nc Server II
I get accused of speedhacking all the time, even thought I'm not. What happens is on the map Headshot City, on the south side of the map is a narrow corridor. When inside, I strafe run and repeatedly mash the jump button. When bouncing off the ceiling I gain momentum really quickly and I can get to the other side really quickly.

If you don't know what corridor I'm talking about:
[Image: hallway1.png]

[Image: hallway2.png]

Anyway, people accuse me of speedhacking, and they keep trying to kick me. I haven't been kicked yet, but it's annoying to have to tell people I'm not hacking every 5 minutes, and I'm afraid I'll get banned if I don't clear this up soon enough.

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Messages In This Thread
Accused of Speed Hacking All the time... - by cshih1calvin - 29 Dec 10, 09:09AM