Correct, in which case you can merely change the second line to this:
I prefer the whoisall at every new map load because the players will have changed a bit -- but, with this monitoring every "connected: ", all of that will be kept track of. Good script. :D
Also, the main reason for using a consolidated looping conline check is so that any number of stats can access one script instead of fighting over alias names and system resources (Bukz and I have a ton of scripts with aliases named "conlinecheck" that all do different things, each causing the last one to throw errors). This allows a single alias to be modified at will by outside scripts wanting a piece of the conline.
addcheck_sb [add2alias mapstartonce [loop e 21 [whois $e]]]
I prefer the whoisall at every new map load because the players will have changed a bit -- but, with this monitoring every "connected: ", all of that will be kept track of. Good script. :D
Also, the main reason for using a consolidated looping conline check is so that any number of stats can access one script instead of fighting over alias names and system resources (Bukz and I have a ton of scripts with aliases named "conlinecheck" that all do different things, each causing the last one to throw errors). This allows a single alias to be modified at will by outside scripts wanting a piece of the conline.