06 Dec 10, 01:18AM
(1738 39) ( Sweatha) i press the big X
(1738 50) (@DES|Medusa) i'll do it for you
(1738 55) ;;; mode/#assaultcube (+b Sweatha!*@*) by DES|Medusa
(1738 58) ;;; Sweatha was kicked from #assaultcube by DES|Medusa (Sweatha)
(1739 17) ( SKB) thank you sir
(1739 27) (@DES|Medusa) :D
(1739 48) (@DES|Medusa) you forgot "God bless you" :P
(1739 55) ( SKB) oh
(1739 58) ( SKB) ym bad
(1740 21) ( NightHawkd) o.0
(1740 33) ( NightHawkd) Wow XD
(1740 47) ( SKB) damn it Andrez|HTC!
(1741 10) (+Andrez|HTC) pff, it's Jack-is fault!
(1741 27) ( SKB) btw, i don't get 2012 part
(1742 12) (+Andrez|HTC) nvm :D
(1743 13) ( MusicMan10) idk why we didnt keep that guy around
(1743 20) ( MusicMan10) we need more people like him in ac
(1743 30) ( SKB) it's better for him
(1744 18) (+Andrez|HTC) we also need more hounds for people like him, but we can't have anything in this life
(1744 47) (@DES|Medusa) we have you MM10, that's more than enough
(1745 03) ;;; Mob|RandumKiwi ([email protected]) has joined #assaultcube
(1745 08) ( MusicMan10) we also have undead
(1745 17) ( Mob|RandumKiwi) Yar
(1745 22) (@DES|Medusa) hoi RK
(1745 43) ( SKB) hi
(1745 50) (@DES|Medusa) there's a difference between you and undead
(1746 04) (@DES|Medusa) i like undead, you.. nah!
(1746 25) ( MusicMan10) because im a generally meaner person than undead
(1746 31) ( MusicMan10) undead jokes and makes fun of people
(1746 32) (@DES|Medusa) no
(1746 35) ( Mob|RandumKiwi) i feel like i'm back at school... So much to learn :-(
(1746 35) ( MusicMan10) i actually hate you all
(1746 37) (@DES|Medusa) you're an eikel
(1747 11) (+Andrez|HTC) Undead can also map
(1747 12) ( MusicMan10) no i am most certainly not an acorn
(1747 15) ;;; J0l ([email protected]) has quit (Ping timeout)
(1747 41) (@DES|Medusa) dickhead.. it's dickhead :P
(1747 54) ( Mob|RandumKiwi) acorns get eaten
(1748 18) (+Andrez|HTC) meh, I'm gonna sleep, have fun
(1748 19) (+Andrez|HTC) cya!
(1748 21) ;;; Andrez|HTC ([email protected]) has quit (Quit: Sto andando via)
(1749 28) ( Mob|RandumKiwi) tempura is awesome
(1750 02) ( MusicMan10) well i am not that either medusa
(1750 14) (@DES|Medusa) oh trust me, you are
(1750 39) ( MusicMan10) i haven't ever even bothered you
(1750 44) ( MusicMan10) though i have thought about it
(1751 03) (@DES|Medusa) don't lie
(1751 27) ( MusicMan10) but i havent
(1751 52) (@DES|Medusa) now you're a lying eikel
(1752 56) ( Revert) I just discovered that unwrapping a model is the equivelent pain to giving child birth.
(1753 04) ( MusicMan10) ive bothered halo, pwnage, drakas, jiba, jinnie, jaybeef, r4zor, ruthless, tipper,
p@ndel, skb, shield, $hield, shorty, apanda, zarj, foo, yata, vermi, bunnysoul, jamz,
(1753 07) ( MusicMan10) but never you
(1753 13) ( MusicMan10) (yet)
(1753 21) ( FooQ) you haven't bothered me lol
(1753 26) ( MusicMan10) i made u leave kh
(1753 31) ( MusicMan10) dont deny the truth
(1753 31) ( SKB) bothered as in?
(1753 37) ( SKB) failing at trolling
(1753 45) ( FooQ) no
(1753 50) ( FooQ) I made KH leave me
(1753 54) ( SKB) lol
(1753 55) ;;; boeck ([email protected]) has quit (Signed off)
(1753 56) ( MusicMan10) i feel ive actually done a rather good job at trolling
(1754 09) ( MusicMan10) considering im on the TyD blacklist four separate times
(1754 15) (@DES|Medusa) 23:07 |KH|MusicMan10: "Medusa is just a straight
(1754 22) (@DES|Medusa) :P
(1754 24) (@DES|Medusa) never?
(1754 30) ( Revert) Hm
(1754 35) ( MusicMan10) thats a quote straight from boomhauer
(1754 41) ( SKB) that says "+b me"
(1755 02) ( Revert) Adobe CS5 Package torrent for Mac ftw!
(1755 29) (@DES|Medusa) no.. this says "+b me" 23:06 |KH|MusicMan10: hi im hitler
(1755 40) ( MusicMan10) lmao
(1755 44) ;;; mode/#assaultcube (+b MusicMan10!*@*) by DES|Medusa
(1755 48) ;;; MusicMan10 was kicked from #assaultcube by DES|Medusa (MusicMan10)
(1757 05) (@DES|Medusa) awww.. he's angry
(1757 08) ( SKB) lol
(1757 22) (@DES|Medusa) 0:56 MusicMan10: ok well considering that wasnt in the ac channel and was a fairly long
time ago i dont think it warrents a ban
(1757 25) * DES|Medusa scared
(1757 48) ( SKB) do devs give a shit about him?
(1757 57) * SKB curious
(1758 49) (@DES|Medusa) probably not but i don't give a shit if they do
(1759 28) (@DES|Medusa) banning MM10 feels almost better than sex
(1759 46) ( SKB) umm.. really?
(1759 59) ( SKB) that's messed up D:
(1800 48) (@DES|Medusa) you should try it next time :)
(1800 51) ( SKB) btw, quoted
(1801 04) (@DES|Medusa) :0
(1801 27) (@DES|Medusa) i deny everything
(1802 08) ( SKB) i won't post
(1802 31) ( SKB) if i do, it'll be not soon D: