05 Dec 10, 11:51PM
(05 Dec 10, 09:25PM)daRAMpage Wrote: ...i need you to kind of step by step it for me...Did you even click on the link?
Forget about open/closed ports - that's a misconception. If you're running a service on a port, eg. AC on 28763, that port is open. If you're not running a service on a port, it's closed.
Your problem is that you haven't forwarded incoming requests that your router gets to the corresponding ports on your computer running the service. You need to forward 28763 and 28764 (if you accepted the default settings) to the local IP address of your computer (probably 192.168.1.x) using the UDP protocol. I don't even know what WCP is. portforward.com will, in all likelihood, tell you how to do that.
If you get the impression that I'm a bit tetchy, it's because this question has been answered (almost literally) a million times before, as you would have known if you'd searched the forums for "registration failed".