Blackrayne mapmodel pack!
(04 Dec 10, 11:47PM)jakedisaster Wrote: well ok so stop asking questions and download the pack and give it a try.
i dont have a crappy pc, a have a nicely working mac, so stop asking me, i have better things to do, just answer your own damn questions by giving it a try

Jakedisaster. You are stressing my patience to it's very limits, seriously.

If YOU have no clue what YOU are doing, don't get on people asking reasonable questions concering the media which YOU are providing. This pretty much looks like the smartass getting caught pantsdown clueless...

And so again:

1) No, additional media is NOT sent ingame via sendmap/getmap. In this respect any user needs to manually download/install custom media in order to see it ingame.

2) Models can cause bad performance by beeing high on polygones AND by having high resolution graphics. In this case the latter case doesn't apply. The skin sizes seem ok, but most of those models are high poly as any halfway skilled modeller could guess from looking at the screenshots already.

3) Even though the included license reads like a joke, I see no issue there according to how the original author distributes his works.

4) Do not include files which will overwrite default files! Do not put a default-map-cofigs.cfg and no menu.cfg in there. What the hell? Either deliver the whole package as a MOD or add an exhibition map, which's config file can be used as example.

Finally, Jake. Please will YOU stop beeing ignorant like that and stop YOUR pseudo-good-intentions attitude. You're causing more damage by providing faulty media accompanied by faulty or simply nonexistent documentation then anyone would have without the media at all.

---on topic---

I personally do not recommend to use most of such models for obvious reasons. They aren't compatible with low-end-computers and don't even fit AC's setting. In case you're not sure whether or not you may use this or that, better just leave them out.

Mappers, keep in mind a model won't make your map, whatever great it may look like.

Quote from Map Desing:
Quote:3.4 Default and custom media

Using additional textures, skymaps, sounds or mapmodels, in one word media, can be a cheap method to gain originality. Unfortunately it’s not that simple. There are at least two things which need to be considered.

- Any additional content must add significant benefit

The default media is covering most of the supposed AssaultCube themes’ elements and as long as you can resemble your core elements with it, there is hardly a point in adding anything. You may always try to build your map with those at first, except you already figured particular core elements aren’t provided and would look way too abstract trying to build them with given possibilities. In case, your map will significantly benefit from additional content, don’t hesitate.

- Keep it homogenous

Whenever you look for new media or even create such yourself keep in mind that AssaultCube has a commonly accepted style. You’ll have to use media which will match this style best in order to prevent it from feeling totally out of place. AssaultCube is pseudo-realistic, which here means, that all media should resemble items which can be found in reality, while on the other hand, there’s no point in having super realistic looking media which won’t match the default stuff.
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Messages In This Thread
Blackrayne mapmodel pack! - by jakedisaster - 04 Dec 10, 01:42AM
RE: Blackrayne mapmodel pack! - by |DTF|TeD - 04 Dec 10, 04:01AM
RE: Blackrayne mapmodel pack! - by JGAN - 04 Dec 10, 05:01AM
RE: Blackrayne mapmodel pack! - by |DTF|TeD - 04 Dec 10, 05:04AM
RE: Blackrayne mapmodel pack! - by Orynge - 04 Dec 10, 08:58AM
RE: Blackrayne mapmodel pack! - by V-Man - 04 Dec 10, 05:15AM
RE: Blackrayne mapmodel pack! - by #M|A#Wolf - 04 Dec 10, 10:23PM
RE: Blackrayne mapmodel pack! - by Mr.Floppy - 05 Dec 10, 03:09PM
RE: Blackrayne mapmodel pack! - by V-Man - 05 Dec 10, 01:48AM
RE: Blackrayne mapmodel pack! - by tempest - 05 Dec 10, 02:57PM