02 Dec 10, 05:24PM
works on my Windows server. I replaced the "é" because it was displaying as Z, corrected the English, corrected the typo (tram->team), corrected the first URL (kya-clan.forumactif.com doesn't exist), took out a space or two and the pipes (|), put in a new line code (\n) and replaced the elipses (…) with stops (...) as they were displaying as grave accents (`). It should be the same for a Mac, but who knows...
-o"\f1 Welcome to {KyA} Clan's Server!\f5 If you want to join us or defy us...\f3 Go to http:\/\/kya-team.forumactif.com \f5\n\f1 Bienvenue sur le serveur de la team {KyA}! \f5 Si vous voulez nous rejoindre ou nous defier...\f3 Allez sur http:\/\/kya-team.forumactif.com"