29 Nov 10, 06:08PM
Finally someone says something about this clan and are already several times I hear about them and possibly cheat
A week ago I decided to visit their forum and read this post about what happened between Marreia and Praetor http://tgs-tourny.darkbb.com/results-f2/...ra-t50.htm and I think things speak for itself
Now in the game at first said this guy Praetor is a good player I would get to play well as him, but then I began to suspect after I have seen that people in the game said a lot of times to him things like:
You shot me 3 bulles and kill me? you move 2 times faster than all how you do? Are you using auto aim?
And not from Noobs but good players like #M|A#Alberich, #M|A#Atrimos,
Nocu, Marreira and some –FEL- guys
I personally do not mind playing against hackers in Pubs for me is a major challenge and even more fun, but in a match is another thing
Finally I think that if you accuse someone you need proof, and me being new to this community and playing AC for only a month and a half I think I can say little about them but had suspected before now with all this mmmm.......... What do you think?
A week ago I decided to visit their forum and read this post about what happened between Marreia and Praetor http://tgs-tourny.darkbb.com/results-f2/...ra-t50.htm and I think things speak for itself
Now in the game at first said this guy Praetor is a good player I would get to play well as him, but then I began to suspect after I have seen that people in the game said a lot of times to him things like:
You shot me 3 bulles and kill me? you move 2 times faster than all how you do? Are you using auto aim?
And not from Noobs but good players like #M|A#Alberich, #M|A#Atrimos,
Nocu, Marreira and some –FEL- guys
I personally do not mind playing against hackers in Pubs for me is a major challenge and even more fun, but in a match is another thing
Finally I think that if you accuse someone you need proof, and me being new to this community and playing AC for only a month and a half I think I can say little about them but had suspected before now with all this mmmm.......... What do you think?