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Weapon Balance and Gameplay Discussion
Hello and thank you very much to the DEVs for all your work on AC..
It is my favorite game.!

Here's my feedback IMHO...

The new version, game play is faster(nice), maps look sharper.
Nice add-on kill messages, Nice new voice commands..
I like allot of these new features... thanks!
The Carbine is a neat addition...

1.0 Server is now gone... :(
It seems we are FORCED into playing 1.1 if we want to play AC...
I would like to keep playing both versions until the new version has the same feel/timing to me as the old version...

If you no longer want to support Version 1.0
Maybe add the new woop master server to the servermap.cfg for the 1.0 versions download... So, newer people can use it and play it after downloading.. We can play what we like right? I heard some nasty rumor about being blacklisted by DEV members if you are caught still using the older version? :-O

IMO - Ammo, Health and Armour Spawns seem to take longer, getting 3 nades takes forever if you are waiting on them to reappear...

As a player who solely uses shotgun,(no "noob" comments from the peanut gallery)
I find it WAY HARDER to compete against spraying guns... I use to be able to zig zag up to an AR or SMG player & shoot them in the face BOOM they are dead. Not easily but it was possible.. I can't run from them now either, they seem to hit me from around the corner with their fast spray, thought it was LAG but it happens allot...with no sign of LAG.. They just spray and I can't even get close or run, no matter how much amour I have... Their spread seems bigger now & shoots further and the shotgun spread seems smaller, but might shoot further now "not sure".
Now ONLY VERY accurate head or body shotgun shots hit... Seems like I can't shoot them in the face and kill them at point blank range like I use to..they still live..

in 1.0 If you had a nade in your hand, button pressed ready to throw and got killed before throwing it, it would still go off.. Since you pulled the pin.. now you have to throw it/release the mouse button before getting shot for it to still go off?!? The nade spread seems smaller, I use to be able to bounce them off the walls and hit my targets behind me almost every-time, now it falls short allot...

Being very open-minded....
Maybe it's just me?
And I just need more practice timing things on the new version???
But I thought I'd give you a REAL perspective about the shotgun from a shotgun user.. As everyone is saying its so easy to use and has so much more power... NOPE! It is very pale in comparison to what it was because of the enhancements on the other weapons.. IMHO

Keep up the good work....and Thank you!
Thanks given by:

Messages In This Thread
RE: Weapon Balance and Gameplay Discussion - by GingerSnaps - 24 Nov 10, 11:25AM
RE: Weapon Balance and Gameplay Discussion - by CyberKlown28 - 08 Dec 10, 12:27AM
RE: Weapon Balance and Gameplay Discussion - by CyberKlown28 - 11 Dec 10, 01:10AM
RE: Weapon Balance and Gameplay Discussion - by CyberKlown28 - 13 Dec 10, 12:59AM
RE: Weapon Balance and Gameplay Discussion - by CyberKlown28 - 15 Dec 10, 04:10AM
RE: Weapon Balance and Gameplay Discussion - by CyberKlown28 - 15 Dec 10, 08:03PM
RE: Weapon Balance and Gameplay Discussion - by CyberKlown28 - 27 Dec 10, 05:55PM
RE: Weapon Balance and Gameplay Discussion - by CyberKlown28 - 27 Dec 10, 08:54PM
RE: Weapon Balance and Gameplay Discussion - by CyberKlown28 - 28 Dec 10, 02:03AM
RE: Weapon Balance and Gameplay Discussion - by CyberKlown28 - 28 Dec 10, 02:41AM
RE: Weapon Balance and Gameplay Discussion - by CyberKlown28 - 28 Dec 10, 04:20AM
RE: Weapon Balance and Gameplay Discussion - by CyberKlown28 - 28 Dec 10, 04:28AM
RE: Weapon Balance and Gameplay Discussion - by CyberKlown28 - 28 Dec 10, 04:58AM
RE: Weapon Balance and Gameplay Discussion - by CyberKlown28 - 28 Dec 10, 07:50PM
RE: Weapon Balance and Gameplay Discussion - by CyberKlown28 - 28 Dec 10, 09:44PM
RE: Weapon Balance and Gameplay Discussion - by CyberKlown28 - 28 Dec 10, 11:50PM
RE: Weapon Balance and Gameplay Discussion - by CyberKlown28 - 29 Dec 10, 07:29PM
RE: Weapon Balance and Gameplay Discussion - by CyberKlown28 - 30 Dec 10, 10:17PM
RE: Weapon Balance and Gameplay Discussion - by CyberKlown28 - 31 Dec 10, 01:54AM
RE: Weapon Balance and Gameplay Discussion - by CyberKlown28 - 31 Dec 10, 04:01AM
RE: Weapon Balance and Gameplay Discussion - by CyberKlown28 - 31 Dec 10, 11:08PM
RE: Weapon Balance and Gameplay Discussion - by CyberKlown28 - 01 Jan 11, 01:18AM
RE: Weapon Balance and Gameplay Discussion - by CyberKlown28 - 01 Jan 11, 02:08AM
RE: Weapon Balance and Gameplay Discussion - by System - 12 Jan 11, 04:43PM
RE: Weapon Balance and Gameplay Discussion - by System - 13 Jan 11, 02:14PM
