20 Jun 10, 07:53PM
well i can understand both of the sides. on the one hand its hard to trust a not known suddently appearing "dev" wich gets the full authority to decide who is guilty and who not. on the other hand its clear that you shouldnt present your anticheat code because it will get abused by people. in my honest opinion it would be easier for all if we build up a 3-man-comitte with brahma, some other good coder and a well known community member. so that not only 1 person is the "bad man" and the discussion would end if he is right or not. 3 people would know the background and the accuracy and how it works of the anti cheat and the community can/have to trust in the commitee that they decided truthly and right. and as experience shows it will not end up with that we have an auto cheat detect in the masterserver, stupid hacker allways will try to get trough it so the problem will not get solved by it 100% (excuse my english, im in bad mood atm, hard to do 3 things at 1 time :P )