A Couple Of Nooby Questions...
1. /bind KEY [action]
For ex. bind LSHIFT [crouch]
You should put these binds in autoexec.cfg (located in your AssaultCube config folder, look in My Documents if you are on Windows).

2. /togglegrap (you can bind that to a key, such as /bind 6 [togglegrap])

3&4. You keep the gun you start with, cannot change until you respawn. Press "B" to get the weapon selection menu.

5. With 3rd party software, yes.

6. Don't know, but isn't really necessary.

7. It doesn't overwrite the old version so you can keep your settings and stuff.

8. AssaultCube is in constant development.

9. /changeteam

10. Use the /kick commands or the game mode aliases to vote a map, such as /ctf ac_douze

11. Press "T" to say to all, press "Y" for team chat.

12. It will tell you on the server list.

13. If on Windows, use assaultcube:// <-- just and example.

14. Menu (press escape) > Settings > Gameplay > Change player skin

15. Disable dynamic lights and shadows, and turn up your lighterror to something around 10. Vsync should be disabled as well.

16. To join a clan, you will usually apply at their website/forum, then you can add the tag to your name. There is no built-in clan system. Putting on a clan tag without permission will usually get you blacklisted.

17. A player name in red is an admin (in the scoreboard).

18. Check the scoreboard (TAB).

19. That's the scoreboard, it automatically pops up when you're dead. The ping is how long it takes for data to get to the server.

20. No.

21. Try reading my strategy guide, and view the tutorial included with AC (Menu > Help).
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Messages In This Thread
A Couple Of Nooby Questions... - by Rikunza - 16 Nov 10, 11:44PM
RE: A Couple Of Nooby Questions... - by Gibstick - 16 Nov 10, 11:55PM
RE: A Couple Of Nooby Questions... - by JGAN - 17 Nov 10, 04:31AM