Ah ty, but do other sounds also have that option?
One thing i noticed on ac_complex is that there is a spawn right on top of a helmet spawn. Really? What if I don't want to pick up armor, it gives away ones position at a crucial point in a deathmatch type mode, being unnoticed.
Another thing, /particlesize, its was nice to have those big entity colorful balls when its at 500 but it leaves the muzzleflash, bullet impact effect, and sniper smoke too big. Maybe separate commands for all of them?
Super big muzzle flash = http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk290...1289942266
One thing i noticed on ac_complex is that there is a spawn right on top of a helmet spawn. Really? What if I don't want to pick up armor, it gives away ones position at a crucial point in a deathmatch type mode, being unnoticed.
Another thing, /particlesize, its was nice to have those big entity colorful balls when its at 500 but it leaves the muzzleflash, bullet impact effect, and sniper smoke too big. Maybe separate commands for all of them?
Super big muzzle flash = http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk290...1289942266