New Whois feature.
Save a file with your mates/friends/enemies IP's as friend_list.cfg on /AssaultCube/config with this format:
Remember to add an empty space at the end of every friend line
[cubescript]alias friendlist [
123.123.123.x "Megan Fox"
69.69.69.x Beyonce
88.88.88.x Shakira
Now copy and paste this to autoexec.cfg:
[cubescript]// Whois New feature by VallDiGna and DES|V-Man
exec config/friend_list.cfg
if (! (strstr $mapstartalways ishe)) [add2alias mapstartalways [sleep 1000 [ishe]]] []
ishe = [
if (strstr $conline "WHOIS ") [
if (> (listlen $friendlist) 0) [
if (&& (= (currole) 0) (! (strcmp (curserver 1) [ // NOT ADMIN AND NOT Randumkiwi Server
loop i (div (listlen $friendlist) 3)[
alias iterator (* $i 3)
if (strstr $conline (at $friendlist $iterator)) [
echo (format "This player is on same /24 IP-Range than %1" (at $friendlist (+ $iterator 2)))
loop i (div (listlen $friendlist) 3)[
alias iterator (+ (* $i 3) 1)
if (strstr $conline (at $friendlist $iterator)) [
echo (format "This player is %1" (at $friendlist (+ $iterator 1)))
echo "Friend list is empty! You don't have friends :D"
sleep 1 [ishe]
Now, when you execute /whois command, if the player is on list, the real name will be displayed. something like this:
Usefull if you've got friends who change nick, or if someone is impersonating other player.
Save a file with your mates/friends/enemies IP's as friend_list.cfg on /AssaultCube/config with this format:
Remember to add an empty space at the end of every friend line
[cubescript]alias friendlist [
123.123.123.x "Megan Fox"
69.69.69.x Beyonce
88.88.88.x Shakira
Now copy and paste this to autoexec.cfg:
[cubescript]// Whois New feature by VallDiGna and DES|V-Man
exec config/friend_list.cfg
if (! (strstr $mapstartalways ishe)) [add2alias mapstartalways [sleep 1000 [ishe]]] []
ishe = [
if (strstr $conline "WHOIS ") [
if (> (listlen $friendlist) 0) [
if (&& (= (currole) 0) (! (strcmp (curserver 1) [ // NOT ADMIN AND NOT Randumkiwi Server
loop i (div (listlen $friendlist) 3)[
alias iterator (* $i 3)
if (strstr $conline (at $friendlist $iterator)) [
echo (format "This player is on same /24 IP-Range than %1" (at $friendlist (+ $iterator 2)))
loop i (div (listlen $friendlist) 3)[
alias iterator (+ (* $i 3) 1)
if (strstr $conline (at $friendlist $iterator)) [
echo (format "This player is %1" (at $friendlist (+ $iterator 1)))
echo "Friend list is empty! You don't have friends :D"
sleep 1 [ishe]
Now, when you execute /whois command, if the player is on list, the real name will be displayed. something like this:
Usefull if you've got friends who change nick, or if someone is impersonating other player.