Need some help to finalize AmigaOS4 port of AssaultCube
Quote:Yeah Lugaru :D
Check some screenshots of os4 version here :)

Btw ! I think iam almost closed for now ! By some unluck i missed that Render() function much bigger than i post here (just miss that there was no closed braket, but all was looks like function are ends), and for now, i found exactly line where crash is happenes:

At the very end of Render() function:

Quote:           loopi(numdyndraws)
                const drawcall &d = dyndraws[i];
                if(hasDRE && !builddlist) {}//glDrawRangeElements_(d.type, d.minvert, d.maxvert, d.count, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, &dynidx[d.start]);
                else {glDrawElements(d.type, d.count, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, &dynidx[d.start]);};

The crash happens exactly on the glDrawRangeElements_

Which are in protos.h:

// GL_EXT_draw_range_elements

And in rendergl.cpp (where is Render() function):

Which in <gl/glext.h> defined as :

typedef void (APIENTRYP PFNGLDRAWRANGEELEMENTSEXTPROC) (GLenum mode, GLuint start, GLuint end, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices);

Maybe have any ideas there ? For sure it looks like something wrong with that extension, or maybe need some additions. Without that line, i can see now hands/guns, but when i fire , guns are clears (and i not see them), and, when i connect to some servers, some textures heavy blinking, i see no bots / other players. I think its all because of that line exactly.

If anyone have any ideas: they highly welcome. Or maybe anyone can write a other replacement for that glDrawRangeElements_, which will not relis on all tha extensions, just maybe something like void glDrawRangeElements_ ( blablab );
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Need some help to finalize AmigaOS4 port of AssaultCube - by kas1e - 14 Nov 10, 01:41PM