Need some help to finalize AmigaOS4 port of AssaultCube

Quote: think that bug is caused by shadow rendering. Try switching "Dynamic Shadows" to "Blob" or "Off" in the menu (Settings->Video settings->Advanced video settings).

Can i manually change that settings in config files ? (because game crashes without loading a menu, when that rendering line is here). I also trying all the time for now win32 data. But you can be right here: if it crashes on shadow when i trying to generate textures, then very possible that game crashes on the same shadow loading when i use win32 data..

But just for point : i use win32 data for now, that "shadow" crash was only when i try to generate data from SVN.

Anyway, ill do it like that for now : build with commented line , set dynamic shadow to OFF (before was BLOB btw), then uncoment line, build, running, and the same crash :(

Quote:In order to find the cause of the bug, you should use a debugger (preferably GDB, i think that's available for Amiga?). You'll have to compile with the -g option. To do this, change the line
Yep, already do it for now, and have:

Quote:Program received signal SIGBUS, Bus error.
0x00000000 in ?? ()

Btw, maybe it will help us, but that what i have in shell :

Quote:9/0.WORK:ac> ac_client
current locale: C
init: sdl
init: net
init: world
init: video: sdl
init: video: mode
init: video: misc
init: gl
Renderer: MiniGL/Warp3D ATI Radeon (radeon r200) (The MiniGL Team)
Driver: 1.3
init: console
init: sound
Audio devices:
Sound: AHI Software / OpenAL Soft (OpenAL Community)
Driver: 1.1 ALSOFT 1.7.411
init: cfg
Could not set gamma (card/driver doesn't support it?)
sdl: Gamma ramp manipulation not supported
init: models
init: docs
missing "]"
init: localconnect
read map packages/maps/official/ac_iceroad.cgz rev 8 (569 milliseconds)
ac_iceroad by Ruthless & Undead
loaded textures (1935 milliseconds)
loaded mapmodels (266 milliseconds)
loaded mapsounds (462 milliseconds)
game mode is "TDM"
init: mainloopdl

All looks fine imho .. Loads and alt..
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Need some help to finalize AmigaOS4 port of AssaultCube - by kas1e - 12 Nov 10, 08:00PM