Need some help to finalize AmigaOS4 port of AssaultCube
Quote:Of course not. Do configuration files work? (I.e. if you change some game settings ,are those changes still there when you restart AC?)

Yep. For example i just run ac (with commented that string which load meshes), then settings/videoquality/ set from LOW to GOOD, then exit, restart, go to settings, and GOOD settings is here.

Still it not save full-screen / win mode (i.e. if i for example change to win mode, then apply, then quit, the run again, and it runs still in full-screen, but i think that is because win/fullscren modes handles by all those "-t" keys, so its ok i assume for that, other settings saves fine, what mean that all is ok there as well imho).

I think that crash can be because of something with our OpenGL realisation (pretty possible), because its very-very sensetive to bugs. If something a little wrong, then it will crashes (even if it will works on win32, or linux for example).

I also trying to port Cube1, and it works fine, all works ok with meshes and alt , there is youtube clip:

For now i trying to understand , what that line just mean, in human language:
loopv(meshes) meshes[i]->render(as, cur, doai ? &prev : NULL, ai_t);

Its call some loopv() function, which happenes for all the meshes, and for every mesh its do render of something ? What mean all these "doai ? & prev: NULL" ? Should to say, that NULL are scare me a bit, because usually some heavy bugs happenes when NULL should be not NULL but 0 instead or kind .. Or when you trying to remove something by some weird way..

Can you point me, where i can put debug printfs/delays, to found, where exactly crash is happenes ? I for now not so good understand the whole code, and trying to found where that "loopv" fucntion are declated and what it expected to do.

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Messages In This Thread
RE: Need some help to finalize AmigaOS4 port of AssaultCube - by kas1e - 12 Nov 10, 06:43PM