12 Nov 10, 10:05AM
I found SMG fun in 1.1 but still need a lot to learn about the gun, i think the AR it's finally what it was supposed to be an assault rifle powerfull and fast but maybe make it a little less easy to use ( not saying it's easy to me xD), and for me the most important the sniper since it's my fav weapon and the one that i use most i really didn't mind the damage or the 2 pistol shots issue i just feel that the sniper feel in-game it's a lot diferent it feels like a totaly new weapon it's heavy and slow i know it's a lot to ask but can you please set the sniper "feel" the way it was in 1.0?? Leave the damage if you want that's not the problem the shotty it's not a noob weapon since it takes quite some time to use it in a "normal" way but i think the spread needs to be a little bit more the carabine it's a defensive weapon? Because i've seen some players attack like mad zombies with it and succed, still my main weapon it's the sniper and i'm learning to use the smg just now so please take in mid what i ask :)