Maps, yet again

1. you are too simple, such movements is silly and solve nothing, it is the question of time who will troll you and thread will be trashed, you are probably that category of player who play that shitty maps

2. devs aren't responsible for their actions, you are missing target, the real stimulations are discussions and forum posts and random checks in game, if you give them proper feedback they will fix it, even with the fact it is idiotic feedback, such movements bring nothing

3. try to rename to xyz and connect to some main clan channel and start to discuss about custom maps, you will see how is situation about that maps interpreted to devs and you will understand why it is so

i would try DES channel which have many new maps in official mappack, you must persuade about sense of these maps all main irc channels and then you will probably see them online

Quote:<Sp33dy> Ok guys what you all think who gonna win it?

<DES|Dreamer>me of course

<DES|Halo>DES for first, second, and third

DES|Dreamer>yes, definitely that

<DES|Halo>sunnyd ftw my man

<DES|Bukz>Well the numbers in our favor, if SnD is indeed SunnyD that gives us 3 maps in the competition.

<DES|Dreamer>sunnyd is in?

<DES|Dreamer>since when?

<DES|Halo>yes sir

<DES|Halo>since tonight


<DES|Dreamer>i better get downloading

<Shorty>Who would you like to win other then a clanmate of yours?

<DES|Halo>hmmm, anyone besides |BC|Sniper?

<DES|Bukz>a_slow_old_man has the best map in my opinion that is not in DES.


<DES|Dreamer>is that the one i’m thinking of?


<DES|Dreamer>more lights, and he’s good to go


<DES|Halo>yes, its a good map, but i think the lights are a major draw back

<DES|Bukz>thats not all he needs, but yea

<Sp33dy>What you all think about these:

<Sp33dy>Urban_Block by Nitrix

<Sp33dy>Nightshift by RaaM

<DES|Dreamer>valiant efforts

<DES|Halo>both are middle of the pack maps, not good enough quality to win

<DES|Dreamer>good response all around

<DES|Halo>i just rather dig so many entering

<DES|Bukz>Urban_Block and Nightshift are decent maps, but the gameplay, detail, and textures are not quite so hot imo.

<DES|Bukz>At least for a map contest map.

<Sp33dy>what about Dreamers Noct?*

<Ruthless>Fantastic gameplay, with detail to match

<DES|Halo>i would have had done the lights differently, imo, they don’t match the skybox, other then that, i can’t really complain as much as i would like to

<DES|Bukz>It’s a great map, i’m not quite sure about gameplay yet, but it has a little bit of every theme, which is quite nice, and he did a great job detailing things, my only complaint I would say is probably the lack of varity in the floor heightfields, especially on the sand and stuff, maybe a bit more detail here and there would do it some good as well

<Shorty>its a great map, but however i really dislike the fact that there isnt enough “open’ areas for me ( a sniper) to roam

<Sp33dy>Lost by Sniper what you think about this?

<DES|Dreamer>ok Lost

<DES|Dreamer>to me, it feels really REALLY crowded in

<Shorty>Lost is a typical sniper map

<DES|Bukz>Sniper has some good maps, for some reason, I feel that his older maps have been more impressive than his more recent one

<Shorty>Lost is a typical sniper map, just like ac_african

<DES|Bukz>Lost just feels idk

<DES|Halo>i am not a fan of BC|Sniper’s maps at all, i like that he tries new things, granted most of them do not work as he plans, but most of his maps are unplayable from either being to tight or too open

<DES|Bukz>not quite there I guess, not sure how to word this

<DES|Dreamer>in this case, too tight

<DES|Bukz>Back “on topic” though, my biggest concern with the mapping compeition is, that once it is all over, all the great custom maps that were submitted will be “forgotten” and hardly played on like most custom maps

<DES|Dreamer>hopefully this wont happen

<DES|Bukz>In a way, the masterserver rule kinda killed custom maps, because you don’t see quite as many in the maprots like you used to<Sp33dy>But if we go all together we can continue interwiew in game

<MisterChoppy>there is a handy list on the ac forums thread

<DES|Dreamer>they’ve been added to a few maprots

<Shorty>A question for the organiser: Will the maps all be posted in one file?

<MisterChoppy>isnt planned, maybe if i have enough time tomorrow I’ll zip em all into one package

<Sp33dy>Ok what about this map: Tone by Mariana and Raizen

<DES|Halo>in the past, no, they have not been included together

<DES|Bukz>I don’t think the layout will get that map anywhere, but it is decent

<DES|Bukz>they have some cool ideas

<DES|Bukz>idk about that heart thing in the wall

<Sp33dy>And what about this: Atlantis by Uber?

<DES|Bukz>Unfortunately I think it is the worst map in the competition
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Messages In This Thread
Maps, yet again - by titiPT - 11 Nov 10, 07:20PM
RE: Maps, yet again - by Brahma - 11 Nov 10, 07:55PM
RE: Maps, yet again - by titiPT - 11 Nov 10, 08:06PM
RE: Maps, yet again - by Mael - 11 Nov 10, 08:45PM
RE: Maps, yet again - by jiba - 11 Nov 10, 08:47PM
RE: Maps, yet again - by Brahma - 11 Nov 10, 08:49PM
RE: Maps, yet again - by ImaCripple - 11 Nov 10, 08:51PM
RE: Maps, yet again - by Alien - 11 Nov 10, 08:56PM
RE: Maps, yet again - by Apollo{TyD} - 11 Nov 10, 09:11PM
RE: Maps, yet again - by Alien - 11 Nov 10, 09:35PM
RE: Maps, yet again - by titiPT - 11 Nov 10, 10:37PM
RE: Maps, yet again - by MusicMan10 - 11 Nov 10, 11:10PM
RE: Maps, yet again - by Iguana - 11 Nov 10, 11:10PM
RE: Maps, yet again - by titiPT - 12 Nov 10, 03:02PM