Drakas, you of all people have the resources to keep it going. Why don't you?
If they kept up a static server list, people would complain and want to get on the list. Not very fair, though nothing is it seems. Then they'd have to either add them manually or restart automatic registration - that takes resources, no?
We never had any expectations; the only thing you had to do was move on.
Is no one looking?
If they kept up a static server list, people would complain and want to get on the list. Not very fair, though nothing is it seems. Then they'd have to either add them manually or restart automatic registration - that takes resources, no?
(11 Nov 10, 09:17AM)Drakas Wrote: I'm sorry to disappoint everyone...
We never had any expectations; the only thing you had to do was move on.
(10 Nov 10, 11:49PM)Gibstick Wrote: Community run masterservers exist. You just gotta look.
Is no one looking?