07 Nov 10, 04:39AM
yay we arent too bad... :D thanks
@people ranting on webs forums stuff: i am probably gonna try freeforums. looks nice :3
@people ranting on no admins: ack. will send more very soon so keep a look out :D
@v-man: '90s-style counter? lol ok never heard that before... but thanks for the input :) i like it though haha
@morsey is the font an issue? or how is it unorganized... pestering you for details lol
@people ranting on webs forums stuff: i am probably gonna try freeforums. looks nice :3
@people ranting on no admins: ack. will send more very soon so keep a look out :D
@v-man: '90s-style counter? lol ok never heard that before... but thanks for the input :) i like it though haha
@morsey is the font an issue? or how is it unorganized... pestering you for details lol