AssaultCube fatal error

A server instance crashed and I'm just curious if a knowledgeable person can shed any light on exactly what caused it.

I had a greater stacktrace of the crash in the terminal, however I assumed the same output would be in the log file and exited the session. I was wrong and lost the stacktrace.

Unfortunately I only have the following single line from the text log since for some reason I turned off AC logging to syslog in addition to my careless console exit:
Nov 03 04:10:13 ERROR: AssaultCube fatal error: AssaultCube error (11)

The system is running 64-bit CentOS Linux.

Several minutes before the crash the server was maxed out 20/20, though this is not a rare occurrence so I doubt it to be a leading factor.

Usually I like to solve these things myself, but I'm a 'tard and lost the stacktrace. I'm not familiar with any AssaultCube error reference numbers and therefor pretty useless.

To put it in a nutshell I'm just curious if foul play was at hand or if it was just a random hiccup.

I appreciate it,
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Messages In This Thread
AssaultCube fatal error - by Private_Ale - 03 Nov 10, 10:20AM
RE: AssaultCube fatal error - by jamz - 03 Nov 10, 10:53AM
RE: AssaultCube fatal error - by Ronald_Reagan - 04 Nov 10, 12:43AM