I get accused of hacking I dunno, 4 times per game in most public matches, even more so in TOSOK, and I've been banned/kicked many times because of it.
I don't really know what I'm even trying to get across here but what's happened to the community? There used to be more admins around that could vouch for players, more trusty community etc and now it seems half the players don't speak English or are in big massrecruit clans that kick everyone better than their own "pros".
It's just disappointing and all, I thought I was going to start playing alot more now that I have free time again (also I'm looking to join a clan more active than W$N was) and I can hardly play without being harassed, kicked, or banned.

Input appreciated.
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Messages In This Thread
Whaat? - by Tanner - 29 Oct 10, 02:27AM
RE: Whaat? - by Ghost - 29 Oct 10, 03:01AM
RE: Whaat? - by Ronald_Reagan - 29 Oct 10, 05:00AM
RE: Whaat? - by MorganKell - 29 Oct 10, 06:47AM
RE: Whaat? - by Tanner - 29 Oct 10, 11:59AM
RE: Whaat? - by JGAN - 29 Oct 10, 12:10PM
RE: Whaat? - by Shorty - 29 Oct 10, 12:22PM
RE: Whaat? - by Versace - 29 Oct 10, 12:55PM
RE: Whaat? - by V-Man - 30 Oct 10, 06:57AM