cube script is not going to have trigonometric functions, that's the reason autoscopesens parameter got hardcoded else it could easily have been a script.
autoscopesens handles sensitivity related problems, scopefov variable represents the zoom. :) it's easy isnt it?
well i find it a very practical parameter, and also i think that it should be default for newcomers, and it's recommendable for everyone which never got truly used to sniper, it' useless for those who already mastered 2 sensitivitys, but it helps those who only handle one...
//Mouse wheel Zoom Script by Kirin.
if (checkalias dscopefov) [] [ //firststart message
dscopefov = $scopefov;
echo (c 0) Zoom Script by (c X) Kirin (c 0) successfully injected!
autoscopesens 1
scopefov $dscopefov
alias delta_game_zoomwh [-= scopefov (* 10 $arg1)]
alias altaction_5 [ domodifier zoomwh; scopefov $dscopefov; setscope 1; onrelease [ setscope 0 ] ]
autoscopesens handles sensitivity related problems, scopefov variable represents the zoom. :) it's easy isnt it?
well i find it a very practical parameter, and also i think that it should be default for newcomers, and it's recommendable for everyone which never got truly used to sniper, it' useless for those who already mastered 2 sensitivitys, but it helps those who only handle one...