Mod developement team: need people.
(19 Oct 10, 11:30PM)[aCKa]Deathstar Wrote: Andrez:
Can you show me what you know to do in website stuffs!?

It was made by using a CMS called gpEasy (this means I have just edited the content and part of the layout) but it has all the requirements you are looking for: a blog can be implemented, really clean URLs, easy as hell to update and manage, and also, it does not require a MySQL database.

Now I'm off to go to bed, but tomorrow I'll show you a scratch of what could be the team's website, by using this CMS of course.

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Messages In This Thread
RE: Mod developement team: need people. - by Andrez - 19 Oct 10, 11:39PM
RE: Mod developement team: need people. - by Brett - 24 Oct 10, 03:54PM
im a pretty good mapper - by TERMINATOR - 25 Oct 10, 08:37PM