Me can't see :(
SKB: KeyTweak. Use "Full Teach Mode", press the Windows key, then press what you want to remap it to, unfortunately this applies for the whole system. For start menu press Ctrl+Esc (won't work with start menu shortcuts such as Windows+R)
Edit: Forget about that, use winkill.
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Messages In This Thread
Me can't see :( - by Boomhauer - 16 Oct 10, 11:37PM
RE: Me can't see :( - by jiba - 17 Oct 10, 12:12AM
RE: Me can't see :( - by Boomhauer - 17 Oct 10, 01:58AM
RE: Me can't see :( - by jiba - 17 Oct 10, 03:55AM
RE: Me can't see :( - by DrMental - 17 Oct 10, 05:22AM
RE: Me can't see :( - by Boomhauer - 17 Oct 10, 06:53AM
RE: Me can't see :( - by DrMental - 17 Oct 10, 08:41AM
RE: Me can't see :( - by jiba - 17 Oct 10, 07:29PM
RE: Me can't see :( - by SKB - 18 Oct 10, 12:33AM
RE: Me can't see :( - by Gibstick - 18 Oct 10, 12:54AM
RE: Me can't see :( - by Boomhauer - 18 Oct 10, 10:41AM
RE: Me can't see :( - by V-Man - 20 Oct 10, 07:48AM