Quote:This file holds the copyright information for all packages/artwork included in AssaultCube (UNLESS OTHERWISEOk, I am really sorry to be a dick. But that is not a license. Nor does it mean that the people modifying maps should be banned. Funny how I'm not even doing the "crime" I'm trying to defend and I can already smell myself getting banned from these forums.
NOTED) OR it will tell you the place to find the licenses for works within AssaultCube.
Please respect the authors reserved rights and permissions.
ac_complex - Copyright © 2004-2006 by makkE ([email protected]).
ac_mines - Copyright © 2004-2006 by makkE ([email protected]).
ac_depot - Copyright © 2004-2006 by MitaMAN.
ac_desert - Copyright © 2004-2006 by makkE ([email protected]) and Arghvark.
ac_desert2 - By Nieb
ac_snow - By daMfr0
ac_power - By wotwot
ac_elevation - By A&D_Shadow
ac_toxic - © Copyright 2007-2008 by RandumIdiot (http://www.ri-ac.co.nr). Detailed copyright info for
this map: packages/maps/readme_ac_toxic.txt
ac_urban - By Archangel, with help from RandumIdiot.
Mr.Floppy - Map: ac_keller, plus textures.
DogDancing - Map: ac_shine, ac_scaffold, plus textures.
R4zor - Map: ac_sunset
KC - Map: ac_arctic
The included maps remain intellectual property of their respective creators. Mapmessages upon load may
provide further detail.
So please tell me why you, and the others who have come to the decision, have decided that "reserved rights and permissions" includes no derivative works, period? This is my biggest problem and it is the only one being ignored. I am glad there has been constructive discussion on the other points, but seriously. Pretty soon this thread is just going to get closed and myself banned.
Oh and P.S. I did read the package_copyrights. Otherwise I wouldn't have quoted them probably.
EDIT: And may I ask, where exactly is readme_ac_toxic.txt? It seems to not only not exist in the installation, but it isn't in SVN back to the original 0.9.