Nice one Breeze.
Toggle mute with M key:
If you want to permanently mute AC just use /audio 0 or else you will get unregistered sound errors if you start AC with soundvol 0.
Change volume with mousewheel, click mousewheel to see volume percentage (while holding down comma):
Toggle mute with M key:
oldvol = 128 //If AC starts with soundvol 0 it will default to soundvol 128
alias mute [if (= $soundvol 0) [soundvol $oldvol; echo "AssaultCube unmuted"] [oldvol = $soundvol; soundvol 0; echo "AssaultCube muted"]]
bind M [ if $editing [ domodifier 6 ] [mute]]
Change volume with mousewheel, click mousewheel to see volume percentage (while holding down comma):
vol_echo_toggle = [vol_echo = 1; onrelease [vol_echo = 0]]
bind COMMA [ if $editing [ equalize 0 ] [ domodifier 20; vol_echo_toggle] ]
echovolumepercent = [unroundedvol = [*f (divf $soundvol 255) 100]; if (>= (+f (unroundedvol) 0.5) (+ (unroundedvol) 1.0)) [roundedvol = (+ (unroundedvol) 1)] [roundedvol = (+ (unroundedvol) 0)]; echo (concatword "Volume: " $roundedvol "%")]
bind MOUSE3 [weapon; echovolumepercent]