14 Oct 10, 10:06PM
(14 Oct 10, 12:34PM)JMM Wrote: Silenced sniper would serve no purpose in AC. Explosives, other than grenades, don't really fit AC either... it's too fast-paced for people to be playing with bombs. So with those out... we already have all except high-powered pistol, AR (the one we have now I would consider "long-range"), and HMG. And the only one I really like and that would have decent a chance of making into the game is the pistol (I'd really like a second sidearm)... I don't see how two different ARs would be useful, and heavy machine guns, again, aren't really an AC thing.
long ranged AR is for ppl who like to snipe but arent that good at it.....like me :D
and by explosives i actually ment grenades(but better explosion would be nice to have)
HMG......eh..not rly HMG but Think: higher capacity(maybe 50 or 40), less dmg, higher rate, more kickback/recoil(to balance it out so a nood cant just use it and pwn)
The thing about weapons for most ppl i think is that they need to be more realistic.(at least thats what im looking for) It doesnt take much for new models....i know ur aim is for crappy comps and i can still be achieved by just changing the weapon names,models,and sounds a bit.
I just cant stand the sound of the pistol...its all high pitched and i like to play with the volume rly high.
The thing about the sounds is that when u hear the sound you dont get the feeling of a powerful gun (thats what ppl want is to feel the firepower in the gun to go with the kickback and recoil)