(13 Oct 10, 09:56PM)Brahma Wrote: Krull... I will let your server banned for a whole month, because the name of your servers were:
1) Krulls map coopedit
2) Krulls map edit server
You are not blocked to play AC... you are just blocked to keep a server in this time.
Please, accept your punishment and my apologize for the trouble.
Next time, please, do not change actively change/promote edited official maps.
Sorry Brahma, didn`t knew this was the reason, but I wasn`t trying to promote official eddited maps. I was trying to set up a server where people could make there own maps. Maybe I had to think better when giving it a name, but it was never my intention let people edit official maps.
The reason why i called it "edit server" was so people can edit and create there own maps on this server. Not to edit official maps. And besides, no modified map was actually ever played on my server, so that`s no reason to ban. Even if maps official maps were edited on my server, thats no valid reason to ban, because editing itself is not illegal, It`s only illegal to play them.
Actually not only my server was banned. Yesterday (whole day), I couldn`t join any server on AC (haven`t tried it today).
So please, can you look one more time as this matter, before you take your final decision.
Edit: still cant play on ac today, so pls unban me so I can play.