The Official Weapon Balance Thread!
Note: Updated for 1.1. I haven't played the absolute *latest* patch but have experienced 1.1's main changes (tarbine, helmet armor, etc). By all means continue to discuss 1.1.x weapon balance here :)

Bring up all your weapon concerns and thoughts here - now I know that weapons rely heavily upon the map and player, but nevertheless there are always things that need fine-tuning.

Asault Rifle:
Best shape of it's life. 20 round magazine and lowered recoil has finally made this weapon useful for something other than rifle-running in CTF.

It seems to be versatile as ever though I believe some things have changed (recoil?). I usually keep away from SMG (not enough *oomph* for me) so more experienced players can comment on this.

I feel that 1.0.4 Shotty was MORE than fine as it was. For unknown reasons it was over-tuned in 1.1, the extended range is simply not needed for a weapon that's already auto-win in short range maps. And has it always ignored armor or am I just seeing things? In either case, this weapon needs some adjusting.

Completely crippled against armor, far more than any other weapon. Yes the game is all about maximizing the use of pickups, yes the Sniper can still headshot but armor's effectiveness against the Sniper needs to be tuned down a little. You pay with your life for every shot you miss, you can't keep guzzling bullets like SMG/AR or 1-shot people with Shotgun (plus shotty has a crosshair). The hefty reload time should equal HEAVY damage whether it's against armor or not. A minimum of 50 damage against someone with 100 armor.

I'm still learning how to use this. It doesn't feel like this weapon has a well-defined niche, but time (and players) will show the true potential of the weapon. Decent damage, goes well with Pistol or Knife (and does pretty damn well on it's own too), feels like a good balance between Sniper and Shotgun.

The perfect compliment to Sniper and probably the most deadly combination with a skilled opponent but again, the entire basis of that combo (1 sniper + 2 pistol = dead) goes out the window against armor. Otherwise the pistol continues to be a great support weapon.

My absolute favorite, and also my biggest disappointment. There is so much awesome packed into this weapon despite being a support weapon.
> Armor reducing knife damage makes no sense at all. This is the last weapon that armor should affect, that's the entire point of a blade - to simply stab through gaps in the armor and cause a ton of hurt.
> A knife to the head should ATLEAST do 60-75 damage (+ gib). The static 50 damage on body can stay, but for the love of god make it ignore armor. There is a ton of skill needed for this weapon and again, it compliments the Sniper (or even Shotgun) quite nicely.

Asploding time! In great shape, no suggestions here. The 1-grenade-per-pickup was a brilliant idea and is working out very well from my experiences.

See above. Lots of adjustments are needed. The 25-armor helmets are working out fine from what my experiences.

Dual-wielding time! Unfortunately I don't run into this pickup as much as I like to, but I feel it's total damage output little low despite it's ridiculous rate of fire.

So, as for the discussion:
> What weapon/pickup do you love and why?
> Which weapon/pickup frustrates you and makes you want more out of it?
> Which weapon/pickup do you feel needs toning down?

Also, feel free to suggest any new weapon ideas you may have - but keep in mind we want to keep AC simple and fast-paced, a new weapon must be UNIQUE and you must prove that it is truly needed in AC. I know there were lots of new-weapon threads on the old boards but none of them really convinced the developers - maybe you can?
Thanks given by:

Messages In This Thread
The Official Weapon Balance Thread! - by Stupefy - 29 Jun 10, 10:45AM
RE: The Official Weapon Balance Thread! - by Harps - 30 Jun 10, 05:49PM