12 Oct 10, 08:46PM
I checked the ms logs, and verified the information given by nc|armed
@ nc|armed
We will remove your ip ( from the server blacklist if you give assurances that you will not support any other PRO server.
@ |PRO|Anti_Shot
You should be more kind and respectful.
Maybe in some months we remove your clan ban.
@ Ghost
Please... avoid to say: "your server(s) have been terminated". Your intentions are good, but you do not have such a power.
@ spamma
Please... avoid trolling.
@ nc|armed
We will remove your ip ( from the server blacklist if you give assurances that you will not support any other PRO server.
@ |PRO|Anti_Shot
You should be more kind and respectful.
Maybe in some months we remove your clan ban.
@ Ghost
Please... avoid to say: "your server(s) have been terminated". Your intentions are good, but you do not have such a power.
@ spamma
Please... avoid trolling.