12 Oct 10, 02:12AM
(12 Oct 10, 01:48AM)|BC|Wolf Wrote: It wouldn't be cheating :)Neat.
(12 Oct 10, 01:49AM)Gibstick Wrote: No not really, Sauer has it. You can easily make it for AC.
Make new altactions if you awnt.[SELECT ALL] Code:sauerzoom = [ getfov = $fov; getsens = $sensitivity; gethudgun = $hudgun; fov 75; hudgun 0; fovratio = (divf 75 $getfov); sensitivity (*f $fovratio $getsens); onrelease [ fov $getfov; sensitivity $getsens; hudgun $gethudgun ] ]
And thanks! I'll check it out once I get my settings all put into an autoexec.cfg.