11 Oct 10, 10:21PM
well this dose tend to promote the idea that had a definite spin of Clausewitz, attack unless your too week, the more your team controls the more land you control, the less likely you will be killed in your spawn, and the more likely you will be able to pick up, the pick ups. you also have a much better chance to fall back then the enemy team dose, and thus a better chance of survival.
the more aggression a team as a whole has the better their chance as winning is. armor is a spoil of war in many of the maps where there is one central Kevlar vest, control the center take a Kevlar, be one step closer to a crushing and overwhelming victory.
the more aggression a team as a whole has the better their chance as winning is. armor is a spoil of war in many of the maps where there is one central Kevlar vest, control the center take a Kevlar, be one step closer to a crushing and overwhelming victory.