09 Oct 10, 10:35PM
I hope you wouldn't classify the last couple pages as drama :/. We were trying to have a sensible discussion about the differences and pro and cons of changes ac, I'd rather not bring in the drama-posters again.
@Tipper: it's not that I'm struggling to perform well, I picked it up fine and have been scoring alright. I'm just having less fun for various reasons, including the lack of some of the more awesome custom maps, the speed, and the gun imbalance.
It feels to me like the speed you move in 1.1 has decreased. Either way, motion feels less fluid. In addition, all the guns kill much faster now. These two things cause the problem of players being pretty much defenseless if an attacker shoots them from an angle they didn't see. In 1.0.4, there was always time to turn around and blast whoever shot at you.
I'd really rather have nade spammers than shotgun spammers. With nades, it's far more difficult to aim, you have a 50/50 chance of killing, and to avoid them you can jump and you have time to run from the nAde. With a shotgun, especially in a close-quarters map, there isn't much you can do. Since the range is increased, backing away from the shotgunner, which used to work, doesn't work anymore. The most you can do is camp around the armor pickups and wait for full armor.
In my view, the guns are too powerful. They all kill too fast. It's making the game more chaotic and random. We need a less powerful shotgun, recoil for the smg again, and the armor to be tweaked more.
@Tipper: it's not that I'm struggling to perform well, I picked it up fine and have been scoring alright. I'm just having less fun for various reasons, including the lack of some of the more awesome custom maps, the speed, and the gun imbalance.
It feels to me like the speed you move in 1.1 has decreased. Either way, motion feels less fluid. In addition, all the guns kill much faster now. These two things cause the problem of players being pretty much defenseless if an attacker shoots them from an angle they didn't see. In 1.0.4, there was always time to turn around and blast whoever shot at you.
I'd really rather have nade spammers than shotgun spammers. With nades, it's far more difficult to aim, you have a 50/50 chance of killing, and to avoid them you can jump and you have time to run from the nAde. With a shotgun, especially in a close-quarters map, there isn't much you can do. Since the range is increased, backing away from the shotgunner, which used to work, doesn't work anymore. The most you can do is camp around the armor pickups and wait for full armor.
In my view, the guns are too powerful. They all kill too fast. It's making the game more chaotic and random. We need a less powerful shotgun, recoil for the smg again, and the armor to be tweaked more.