Quote:I just don't get everyone complaining, just get used to it.I'm offering my opinion and my view, and while it may be a negative opinion, it doesn't necessarily equate to complaining.
Quote:so if you REALLY love or loved this game,accept 1.1 cancel 1.0.4 and help devs by constructiv POV ;)I think bringing up issues that I think should be fixed can be considered helpful criticism.
I see the devs posting every now and then, so I assume people involved with the developing of AC read this thread from time to time (hopefully). In which case, hopefully my comments will be taken into consideration, though obviously I can't really make any direct influence.
If I were remaking 1.1 I would change these things:
+Make the shotgun-type weapons slightly less powerful. I've been an SMGer my whole ac career and after switching to 1.1, I completely flopped with the SMG but decided to pull out the shotgun one of my first matches (which I hadn't touched in months and was totally out of practice with) and wound up with a 1.90 ratio at the end of the match. The gun I was a pro with did me no good; the gun I hadn't used in a long time pwned for me. I think that's a sign of unbalanced weapons.
+Make the time it takes to kill (fire rate) of the smg lower. Right now, the smg takes only a fraction of a second to kill someone. This (and the shotgun's power) are making the gameplay seem more chaotic and random. More and more of the score of the player and how well you do are based on luck, mainly who sees who first. Right now, the player who sees his enemy first always kills. Back in 1.0.4, the movement was more fluid and faster, and I could always check my back and look around to make sure no one is near me.
Now, most of my deaths come from randomly being shot by someone I didn't see; half the time I don't see who killed me. This choatic feel where you win the most if you're more lucky makes it waaay less fun to play.
^This whole thing also makes camping increase.
+Bring the recoil on the smg back up. This is part of what causes the problem of the smg killing way too fast.
+Bring the motion and speed of the player back to the way it was in 1.0.4. Right now, player speed is slower, which is a bad thing. Assault cube maps are close-quarters and hallways, and the style is pretty much melee with machine guns. Right now, the motion makes it difficult to defend yourself from all sides, so often you wind up getting shot from behind or by someone you didn't see, totally randomly. Assault cube, by nature, works best with fast movement.
I know you all would like to have a more strategy-based AC, but in order to shift from the melee-type action to that you'd need to make major changes to Assault Cube and, basically, make it not assault cube anymore. You'd have to make the maps larger, more complicated and with more open space. You'd have to slow player speed down much, much more and add a sprint option and stamina limits. You'd have to alter the very nature of the game. But I liked it how it was before; this in-between, weird style of 1.1 that tries to introduce elements of strategy but really makes it more luck-based isn't doing much for me.
Also, I think it's dumb that the ratio isn't shown anymore. I look at ratios often to gauge how dangerous certain players on the other team are, to evaluate who is reliable on my team and who is not, and to weigh how well we're doing against the other team. I don't see any good reason for removing it; it was very helpful to me. Especially in DM, TDM, OSOK, and TOSOK, ratio is very important for me to know how well me and my team are doing and to identify the strong players in the room.