*wonders in, decides to give option, no matter how worthless..*
1) Legion of cheaters
give admin out to more players, train them if you have to, give players admin on all servers, but 1 admin password PER player
this way you can take admin from only 1 admin if needed,
( i dont know enough to say this is possible so if its a bad idea ignore me like always :P)
2) Nade spammers (guys that think grenade is a primary weapon)
that is NOT the definition of nade spam, nade spam is repetitively doing the same action over and over again
(shall we say more then 4 or maybe even 6 times in 1.0 *per enemy unit killed* this way its gone past trying to kill someone you think is there and into the nuke it and hope for the best)
4) Unfair weapon balance (basically there are only two primary: SMG and SNIPER)
the HMG is still the better at long range combat with a SMG, also a HMG beats a sniper if he misses you, SMG is the best weapon in many cases but it is also the best weapon in this kind of situation in real life
(sites the 6 day war where Uzi sub-machine gun beat AK-47 Assault rifle as they charged the heavily fortified Golan Heights)
and il personally take a shotgun over a sniper at a close range, a sniper for a long one, depends on the map
5) LSS bugs (nades between rounds)
REALLY REALLY REALLY GOOD JOB!! thank you so much for fixing that!!! <3 you devs!
6) Weird lag maps (HeadShot City, TwinTowers...)
again, fun once or twice, but utterly noob maps, good job in those cases, but what about Apollo_desertcity?
7) Vote abuse (kick without reason)
humm i think 1.1. was a step in the right direction on this but i dont see a way to fix it competently, now people vote things like "hes insulting me all the time and i really hate him", i dont consider this solved yet, but its a really good step in the right direction
8) Chat/voice spam
maybe impose a limit of 5 a min?
(if you have done something this i have not noticed but good job!!)
1) One extra weapon
yea...its almost useless against armor, which is now everywhere. still a great weapon to kill people in their spawns with.
2) More value given to tactics (stronger armor, less nade spamming...)
humm....what about the aim of a nader like me? i DO NOT spam unless i have like 4 hp, and thats purely to be used to the same effect as a smoke screen, and this is only if there is no way to get to HP, which is rare.
however i now agree with the upgrades in the armor it makes players MUCH more mobile, i originally thought this was bad, WAY WRONG. Good call on that.
3) More weapon balance (it is not perfect yet, but it is far better than 1.0)
the SMG is now useless and the HMG is great, not a big change there,
the sniper carbine....there are both now about the same if you get a headshot a lot go with sniper, if you get a hit a lot (but not a headshot) go with carbine, the drawback is armor, but it just serves as a great camp weapon near their spawn before they get armor
4) Extra voice coms
ok, i love it :P "AWESOME"
5) Defenders and covers are being rewarded now
i dont quite get the "you coved the flag" yet do i get points for that?
6) Less bugs
no comments, never had issues myself
7) Less weird maps
for now, in 4 weeks we will see...
8) Less lag
i get more lag in 1.1 to be honest.
9) Less cheaters
playing the Hi-skill serves, they are mostly very well moderated, Ty Woop clan,
10) you can now shift IN AIR!!!!!
small things like this ARE SOOO COOL,
1.1 & 1.0 both FTW, it seems to me its really just what you care about the most, to each his own, to me both.
playing 1.1 is great way to work on your aim, a week in there and i pull of head shots left and right in 1.0 i shall play both games, to me it is 2 separate games however each one helps you with something in the other
*special thanks to Brahma for his list__(thank you very much ^^)
*even more thanks goes to the best most dedicated team of devs a player could ask for we love you guys :P
-have fun happy fragging all :P
sorry for the text wall ^.^
1) Legion of cheaters
give admin out to more players, train them if you have to, give players admin on all servers, but 1 admin password PER player
this way you can take admin from only 1 admin if needed,
( i dont know enough to say this is possible so if its a bad idea ignore me like always :P)
2) Nade spammers (guys that think grenade is a primary weapon)
that is NOT the definition of nade spam, nade spam is repetitively doing the same action over and over again
(shall we say more then 4 or maybe even 6 times in 1.0 *per enemy unit killed* this way its gone past trying to kill someone you think is there and into the nuke it and hope for the best)
4) Unfair weapon balance (basically there are only two primary: SMG and SNIPER)
the HMG is still the better at long range combat with a SMG, also a HMG beats a sniper if he misses you, SMG is the best weapon in many cases but it is also the best weapon in this kind of situation in real life
(sites the 6 day war where Uzi sub-machine gun beat AK-47 Assault rifle as they charged the heavily fortified Golan Heights)
and il personally take a shotgun over a sniper at a close range, a sniper for a long one, depends on the map
5) LSS bugs (nades between rounds)
REALLY REALLY REALLY GOOD JOB!! thank you so much for fixing that!!! <3 you devs!
6) Weird lag maps (HeadShot City, TwinTowers...)
again, fun once or twice, but utterly noob maps, good job in those cases, but what about Apollo_desertcity?
7) Vote abuse (kick without reason)
humm i think 1.1. was a step in the right direction on this but i dont see a way to fix it competently, now people vote things like "hes insulting me all the time and i really hate him", i dont consider this solved yet, but its a really good step in the right direction
8) Chat/voice spam
maybe impose a limit of 5 a min?
(if you have done something this i have not noticed but good job!!)
1) One extra weapon
yea...its almost useless against armor, which is now everywhere. still a great weapon to kill people in their spawns with.
2) More value given to tactics (stronger armor, less nade spamming...)
humm....what about the aim of a nader like me? i DO NOT spam unless i have like 4 hp, and thats purely to be used to the same effect as a smoke screen, and this is only if there is no way to get to HP, which is rare.
however i now agree with the upgrades in the armor it makes players MUCH more mobile, i originally thought this was bad, WAY WRONG. Good call on that.
3) More weapon balance (it is not perfect yet, but it is far better than 1.0)
the SMG is now useless and the HMG is great, not a big change there,
the sniper carbine....there are both now about the same if you get a headshot a lot go with sniper, if you get a hit a lot (but not a headshot) go with carbine, the drawback is armor, but it just serves as a great camp weapon near their spawn before they get armor
4) Extra voice coms
ok, i love it :P "AWESOME"
5) Defenders and covers are being rewarded now
i dont quite get the "you coved the flag" yet do i get points for that?
6) Less bugs
no comments, never had issues myself
7) Less weird maps
for now, in 4 weeks we will see...
8) Less lag
i get more lag in 1.1 to be honest.
9) Less cheaters
playing the Hi-skill serves, they are mostly very well moderated, Ty Woop clan,
10) you can now shift IN AIR!!!!!
small things like this ARE SOOO COOL,
1.1 & 1.0 both FTW, it seems to me its really just what you care about the most, to each his own, to me both.
playing 1.1 is great way to work on your aim, a week in there and i pull of head shots left and right in 1.0 i shall play both games, to me it is 2 separate games however each one helps you with something in the other
*special thanks to Brahma for his list__(thank you very much ^^)
*even more thanks goes to the best most dedicated team of devs a player could ask for we love you guys :P
-have fun happy fragging all :P
sorry for the text wall ^.^