08 Oct 10, 05:45PM
Same here, AC is the only online game that ever liked (apart from some Doom LAN games on the university lab, back in the day). So, some changes that in not thrilled about it, will not gonna make me quit and besides, like ma man shimma already said, its only a matter of time for one to get the hang of 1.1.
Some very good 1.0 players were plain horrible the first couple of times they tried 1.1 out and the ones that instead of whining and throwing the "this sux, I'm done" fits, stuck around and played are now doing just fine, I can tell from experience, caus I did sux bad when I played in the SVN phase and now I'm back to my old glorious ownage days, same with lots of other players.
Godsmack for instance, truly horrible a few weeks ago (sorry Jeffman, but it is true :P) he stood firm through out his 1.1 noob phase and in the past few days we had some fun games together and the man is mowing peps down with his AR, same happened with most of my clan mates, now they just sux on the level they used to in 1.0, no more, no less!
So, if you dudes wanna quit, so be it: Adios I say. But is one lame thing to do...
Some very good 1.0 players were plain horrible the first couple of times they tried 1.1 out and the ones that instead of whining and throwing the "this sux, I'm done" fits, stuck around and played are now doing just fine, I can tell from experience, caus I did sux bad when I played in the SVN phase and now I'm back to my old glorious ownage days, same with lots of other players.
Godsmack for instance, truly horrible a few weeks ago (sorry Jeffman, but it is true :P) he stood firm through out his 1.1 noob phase and in the past few days we had some fun games together and the man is mowing peps down with his AR, same happened with most of my clan mates, now they just sux on the level they used to in 1.0, no more, no less!
So, if you dudes wanna quit, so be it: Adios I say. But is one lame thing to do...