The AC 1.1 cheat detection policy and the AC 1.0 cases
(03 Oct 10, 02:14PM)tipper|DES| Wrote: The fact is Brahma had his own agenda for this game;
I'n my opinion every dev (or consultant) has his own agenda and it isn't congruent with the roadmap. The development direction (the "vision") for this game is more unclear to me than years ago. That seems to be the major problem.

(03 Oct 10, 02:14PM)tipper|DES| Wrote: The simple fact is Brahma, whether or not it’s your fault, the fault of the “elite” clans or a combination of both; since your arrival and quest for power over this game the community has been more divided than I can remember and the level of tolerance for dissent has fallen drastically.

Well, I'm tired of reading stuff which is written down to mark someone or a group as the origin of all faults in AC's history. To make one thing clear: I'm not a friend of Brahma nor I like all the methods he used and the actions he showed. On the other hand we should stop with whitewashing the past. If we become realistic, then the history of community conflicts doesn't start with Brahma's appointment as developer. A hacked forums, clans under cheating suspect, the expulsion of a developer, hacked clients and servers, disagreements about the use of master/admin roles or blacklisting, inconsistent answers of the devs, dissatisfactions about the forums' moderation, resigning contributors ... only a few issues we have had already before. Recalling this and comparing it with the present there is only one conclusion we can draw: The whole community (devs, clans, players w/o clan) has failed so far. Therefore everyone should look at his own contribution for the fall down first.

(03 Oct 10, 02:14PM)tipper|DES| Wrote: We may have a partially effective coded in anti cheat system now, but at what price?

The question is - what is the alternative? More years of partially IP bans? More fun with hacked/modified clients?

We shouldn't forget that we've lost also a lot of members due the fact that the game has been become more than one time nearly unplayable by waves of cheaters/hackers/whatever we are calling them.

I can remember that many ppl denied the use of the blacklist when we have had already that waves - now it's a common tool. I can also remember the idea of central blacklist long time before - especially cause many players have had too much concerns about the power of server hosting clans. Now a central blacklist has been established (which is also a common tool in online gaming). Only two points which the majority of the community requested at some time and finally got. Of course nothing worked perfect at the beginning and nothing has been the golden way to get rid off the plaque we are calling cheaters and hackers. Nevertheless every step seems irreversible. I can only assert without doubt that I haven't seen ppl flying around or shooting 10 times faster since a while now.

(03 Oct 10, 02:14PM)tipper|DES| Wrote: That’s fine as an ideal but the reality is we have a more centralized and dictatorial central power than this game has ever had in the past. A brief look at the way the forums are moderated gives some indication of the prevailing attitude; ...

This game (and things belonging to it) never has been ruled in a democratic way. Or does we have had massive of polls about features or something else in the past? Well, I can't remember. But I can remember that also some of my posts have been deleted in the old forum by an admin when critizing his way in ruling something. Therefore this isn't a new phenomen. Also we have had seen all styles here: A too passive way, a more (over-)reacting one and a strict one. At the end there was always someone who started an agitation about it.

My two cents so far
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RE: The AC 1.1 cheat detection policy and the AC 1.0 cases - by Dark_Alex101 - 30 Sep 10, 02:05AM
RE: The AC 1.1 cheat detection policy and the AC 1.0 cases - by Apollo{TyD} - 03 Oct 10, 07:55PM