16 Aug 23, 08:58PM
Sure, no problem
Autoexec (miscelaneous)
Teamkillers menu
Autoexec (miscelaneous)
mapstartalways [fog 1024]
bind "F" "toggleconsole"
editbind "F"
specbind "F"
bind "UP" "gamespeed 150"
bind "RIGHT" "gamespeed 175"
bind "DOWN" "gamespeed 100"
bind "LEFT" "gamespeed 50"
bind "M" [showmenu "Inter Server"]
//Inter Server menu
newmenu "Inter Server"
menuitem "MyS" [showmenu "MyS"]
menuitem "Outshiners" [showmenu "Outshiners"]
menuitem "XRD" [showmenu "XRD"]
newmenu "MyS"
menuitem "MyS 1.3 1111" [connect mysick.org 1111]
menuitem "MyS 1.3 2222" [connect mysick.org 2222]
newmenu "Outshiners"
menuitem "O* 11" [connect outsh.tk 11 1337]
menuitem "O* 22" [connect outsh.tk 22 1337]
newmenu "XRD"
menuitem "XRD 4" [connect xrd.me 4000 match]
menuitem "XRD 5" [connect xrd.me 5000 match]
Teamkillers menu
// scripts/teamkillers_display2.cfg
// written by Thrawn updated by Infinity
bind C [show_teamkillers]
//dont save any of this to saved.cfg
persistidents 0
alias show_teamkillers [
delmenu Teamkillers
newmenu Teamkillers
alias templist1 []
alias templist2 []
alias tmp []
alias tmp2 []
menuitem (concatword "| \fRCN\f5 | " "\fBTeamkills\f5" " | " "\fJName\f5" " |") -1
alias tklist []
// Old Method//
//loop _cn 20 [
// if (isclient $_cn) [
// if (> (player $_cn tks) 0) [
// add2list _tklist $_cn
// menuitem (concatword "| \f1" $_cn "\f5 | \f3" (player $_cn tks) "\f5 | \f0" (player $_cn name)) -1
// ]
// ]
//if (= (listlen $_tklist) 0) [ menuitem (concatword "\fPNo Teamkills detected! :D") -1] []
if (! (watchingdemo)) [alias tmp (+ 1 (highestcn))] [alias tmp 20] //highestcn doesnt work in demos
loop _cn $tmp [
if (isclient $_cn) [
if (> (player $_cn tks) 0) [
//create a list where each entry is the number of teamkills combined with client number in a single entry
//l0 adds leading zeros to normalize number lengths
add2list templist1 (concatword (l0 3 (player $_cn tks)) (l0 2 $_cn))
//--Note, this will badly break the script if any one client has more than 999 teamkills in a match,
//-- or if their cn is higher than 99. But, those are both so unlikely that its safe to assume neither will occur
if (= (listlen $templist1) 0) [ menuitem (concatword "\fPNo Teamkills detected! :D") -1 ] [
//since teamkills are the first 3 digits of each item, effectively sort by number of teamkills, then by cn
alias templist1 (sortlist $templist1) //Note: sortlist sorts in ascending order (lowest-to-highest)
//strip the first 3 digits containg teamkills, as they were only for sorting; leave behind the 2 digit client numbers
looplist $templist1 tmp [ add2list templist2 (substr $tmp 3) ]
//reverse list (we want descending (highest-to-lowest) sorting of teamkills)
looplist $templist2 tmp [ push tmp2 $tmp ]
loop i (listlen $templist2) [
add2list tklist $tmp2
pop tmp2
//Weve got the sorted list of client numbers of teamkillers, were good to go! :D
looplist $tklist _cn [
if (< $_cn 10) [
//strip leading zero from single-digit client numbers (having a leading zero causes odd behavior and breaks the script)
alias _cnf (substr $_cn 1)
] [
alias _cnf $_cn //If double-digit, just copy the value
menuitem (concatword "| \f1" $_cnf "\f5 | \f3" (player $_cnf tks) "\f5 | \f0" (player $_cnf name)) -1
showmenu Teamkillers
onrelease [closemenu Teamkillers; delmenu Teamkillers;]
persistidents 1 //Turn saving to saved.cfg back on