strange behavior on meanduck server
1Cap, I'm only going to explain this once, and only once. So listen. Get out your best translator, whatever, you have to do. I'm tired of hearing you piss and moan about shit you have no clue about. Your access to that server is linked to your authkey that you created when first installing AC 1.3. As long as you don't change it, you can join. So stop changing your authkey all the time. Keep up with the password(s) you create. You are being blocked because you created yet another authkey and the server isn't allowing it to connect. Its literally that simple. Stop being dumb and changing your name, your IP, and your authkey all the time and the server would probably allow you to connect. God damn
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Messages In This Thread
strange behavior on meanduck server - by 1Cap - 28 Jun 23, 11:32PM
RE: strange behavior on meanduck server - by Pi_Halo - 15 Aug 23, 05:31AM