strange behavior on meanduck server
Not worth the server getting ddos'ed though is it? Good in principle, but when the server gets attacked and that makes it eat up the bandwidth for the month, its a problem.

Also, just a note, that could be applied to the entire masterserver list as well, but isn't. Gotta wonder why in that case.

We tried several methods to block him from the meanduck server and it just caused the server to be ddos'ed every 5 minutes and have to be forced restarted. Actually a big headache there. I tried fighting the good fight on that front, but I was told by the server owner to stop because it was causing him to use too much bandwidth with his provider. So what is one to do in that case?
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Messages In This Thread
strange behavior on meanduck server - by 1Cap - 28 Jun 23, 11:32PM
RE: strange behavior on meanduck server - by Pi_Halo - 01 Jul 23, 01:07AM