Area 68 (ac_68)
Hey thanks for the feedback, Camp. I'll keep in mind those tips when I start a new map project on AC.

Quote:1. The (green) lights are a bit too dramatic for AC style

It was proposital, I was trying to make a unique look to the map, at first I thought giving it a red colour but it would be too dark. Any suggestions on which colour should've been used?

Quote:2. Line of sight on the right path is very long, your lay out is funny, but could be a bit more compact and room-to-room style to fit AC's playing style.

That's true, the right path and the room near to the RVSF base wasn't well worked, so theres a lot of empty space, I was on a rush to start working on the lightings and entities when I started building that part of the map.
Thanks given by:

Messages In This Thread
Area 68 (ac_68) - by Toriality - 08 Jun 21, 10:44AM
RE: Area 68 (ac_68) - by YesWeCamp - 08 Jun 21, 11:19AM
RE: Area 68 (ac_68) - by Toriality - 09 Jun 21, 10:38AM
RE: Area 68 (ac_68) - by YesWeCamp - 10 Jun 21, 09:36AM
RE: Area 68 (ac_68) - by Medusa - 10 Jun 21, 02:53PM
RE: Area 68 (ac_68) - by Toriality - 11 Jun 21, 10:36AM